Search for Wedding Flowers or Alternatives for the Bridal Party When deciding on bouquets for you and your bridal party try to think outside the square. We all know that there are fresh flowers available for a bouquet. If that is what you like then really all you need to do is find a florist and…
Tag: Lissylane Pinterest
Wedding Dresses
Search for Wedding and Bridesmaids Dresses Before you hit the shops the best thing that I can suggest is to not only do some research and get some inspiration but to know your body shape and what wedding dress will suit you best. This also goes for your bridesmaids, there is nothing worse than seeing…
Wedding Organiser
Wedding Organiser – Track Your Wedding Ideas and Planning Keeping a track of all your wedding plans, ideas and inspiration is very important. No matter where you find inspiration, make sure you keep all your ideas together so that you can look back and know where you found them. I suggest that at the start…